In 1978, the Quitman County Board of Supervisor established the Quitman County Arts Council to enhance the quality of life for Quitman County Residents to expose all citizens in the county to arts and humanities. The Quitman County Arts Council (Q’CAC ) and the Quitman County Arts & Culture Museum (Q’CACM) serve as the primary catalysts for a healthy, sustainable, and vibrant arts culture community in Quitman County.
We believe the arts are essential to the quality of life of our citizens and to the economic and social health of our communities. The mission of the Quitman County Arts and Culture is to insure all citizens’ access to the arts.
For more than 50 years Quitman County Arts Council has vigorously pursued quality arts programming through support and development of artists, arts organizations, arts institutions and cultural programming for its residents.
Its legacy includes supporting the September Song Fest, the Martin Luther King Mule Train Exhibits, Mule Train Festival, delivering direct programming for residents, youth training programs, and support young people and seniors participating and attending arts classes and programming, and the promotion of arts throughout the County and more. It is a council with a proud history.
Our mission is to ensure all citizens “access to the arts’. We believe that arts are essential to the quality of life of our citizens and to the economic and social health of our communities. Through our history, Quitman County Arts Council, has vigorously pursued quality arts programming through support and development of events, partnership and collaborations with artists, arts organization, cultural programming for residents.
Quitman County Arts Council and Quitman County Arts & Culture Museum serve as the primary catalyst and facilitator for a healthy, sustainable and vibrant arts, cultures and creative community in Marks, Quitman County, MS.